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Home: Welcome

Galaxie Central was not created by a web designer, car expert, nor a commercial entity, but by a regular guy who has a long-standing love for all classic cars, particularly the Ford Galaxie & classic Full-Sized Fords. Our mission is simple: preserve the classic car hobby through awareness, sharing, and community with a focus on the iconic Ford Galaxie.
Galaxie Central
A place for those who love the Ford Galaxie and full-sized Ford classic cars

Galaxie Quest
A journey through the world of classic cars in a 1966 Ford Galaxie
Home: Galaxie Source
Galaxie Source
Your Galaxie information hub
Home: Video Player
Vintage Advertising
Ford Galaxies - Stories and Drives
Galaxie Tube
A variety of Ford Galaxie - related videos from across the web
Home: Instagram

The Gal-lery
A collection of gorgeous Gals
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